Stop your BLA BLA
Renewable Energy Campaign
For more than 30 years I’ve been saying everywhere, by papers and several conferences, that burning fossil fuels would bring the world to a very dangerous situation for the planet and human being and I was so convinced of this that I devoted most of my time to find the solution that is to give world all the energy necessary without release CO2 into the atmosphere.
I’ve been deeply helped from my education (I am a geologist, environmentalist, professor of mechanic of rocks applied to the seismotectonics) and from the place where I worked (the Construction Dept of the Italian National Electric Agency), where I reached the role of Director of the Environmental Dpt and, first of all, I had the unique possibility of discussing my ideas, getting precious suggestions and critics, from hundreds of very skilled engineers designing/operating any kind of electric power plants (from nuclear to fossil to hydro power plants) in our country and in several countries abroad.
Carrying out this job I reached the conclusion that the best solution to face the global warming that danger the world is to join to the solar and wind energy sources, today insufficient to substitute (i.e. to be alternative) the fossil fuels in generating the energy necessary to the world being inconstant sources, also the substantial contribute coming from two other very powerful energy sources:
- the great geothermal energy;
- and the nuclear energy (of course not coming from the at present dangerous nuclear power plants).
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Geot 1
As regard the great geothermal energy, I think I’ve found a very interesting solution with my project DS:HDR (Deep Shaft Hot Dry Rock) able to tap, using technologies already available just tomorrow morning, the immense quantities of heat trapped into the so called Hot Dry Rocks of the crust with an innovative grid of coordinated shafts, galleries and mini drillings through which inject down to 4-5 km of depth water pressurized that fracture mechanically the hot rocks of the crust at about 200°C so to create a giant man-made geothermal reservoirs and, once heated by the same rocks, the same water coming up to the surface can finally drive the electric generators of an up to 1,000 MWe geothermal power plant or directly to warm civil habitations, offices, farms or industries.
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Geot 2
Again for the great geothermal energy I’ve also designed a very stimulating project named DG:MRE (Deep Geothermal Mega Reservoirs) by which to extract fantastic quantities of thermal energy from the regional natural geothermal reservoirs, too deep to be exploitable by the at present drilling technology, feeding for millennia phreatomagmatic areas, where melted rocks of plutonic origin meet deep aquifers of very large dimension and extension.
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As regard the nuclear energy all the expert says that we need a new generation of nuclear power plant to overcome the at present one, too dangerous and for this reason not loved by the world population. Also in this case I’ve the solution, simple, easy to adopt, insuperably safe, viable now (it means immediately), without any necessity of developing new technologic devices and incredibly cheaper of 50% than the at present nuclear power plants. This is obtained by my SUSE-NPP (Super-safe and Simply Easily Decommissionable Nuclear Power Plant) design (presented in 2008 and patented in 2014 in China, USA and in some European Countries) that allows to any NPP constructed at the surface to become super-safe simply putting its reactor underground, in a cavern covered by 2-300 m of solid rocks, able to host it during the entire operational life and at the end to become its final repository without the necessity of any exaggeratedly expensive decommissioning. And my SUSE-NPP doesn’t forget the problem of the radioactive wastes: on my design they are accurately managed to avoid any contact with the external environment and are disposed directly in two other underground caverns (one for the low-middle level radioactive waste and the other for the high level one and for the spent fuel rods), close to the cavern hosting the reactor. The final result is that at the surface we will see nothing, we’ll have in this way the so-called Green Field and all the radioactive substances will remain for thousand years insuperably confined from the population 300-500 m and more below the surface. A nuclear power plant like this could never be damaged by a commercial plane crushing on it or attacked by terrorist or war rockets, or injured by extreme natural events like earthquakes, landslides, flooding, tsunami… And as regard the most terrible internal accident that ever could occur to a reactor (its core melting like at Three Mile Island 1979, Chernobyl 1986 or Fukushima 2011), an external pool of water, that could be simply used to cool the core by gravity, will avoid any consequences; but be sure, the thick layer of rocks surrounding the reactor cavern would however never permit to any radioactive elements to reach the external environment and population.
What can we do?
What do we need at this point to be operative and don’t live all this like a not useful bla bla bla?
Simply we need to carry out some well done Technical Economical Feasibility Studies (one for each of the three projects above briefly described) by a team composed by several expert of any field involved in my projects that confirm/improves completely my hypothesis. A few million euros to give the humanities a vital possibility for the future of our planet.